Ka-boom!. Aquí o tendes, xa é voso. O “Bodies”, a terceira canciòn do EP #reflexiòns pedía a gritos un tratamento máis cinematográfico. Contar coa actriz Ánxela Ríos para que se fixera cargo de imaxinar a historia e realizala xunto Abraham Romo (Que xa asinara con Cristina Morquillas Abalo o vídeo #travels do mesmo EP) foi un luxazo e unha honra (Obrigado aos dous).
Agardamos que vos guste e que vos diga algo a historia. Iso sen dúbida é o máis importante.Ka-boom! Here it is for you to enjoy.
“Bodies”, the third song from the EP #reflexións was crying aloud for a more cinematographic treatment. Having actress @AnxelaRios in charge of imagining the story and carrying it out with @abrahamromo (who had also made the video for #travels from the same EP with @crismorquillas was a luxury and an honor -thanks to both of you. We hope you like it and that the story means something to you. That is no doubt the most important thing.
#narcirodriguez #dAtrio #reflexions #songwriternewrage https://youtu.be/MuHauDR4Nik